Program archive

Over the years, Magasin III arranged artist talks, lectures, and panel discussions in relation to ongoing exhibitions. This program was intensified in 2006 with the creation of a new lobby, offering a purpose-built space for sit down gatherings. Many of these evenings were recorded and are available on Magasin III’s website under Play.

Besides talks open to the general public, Magasin III has cultivated a close relationship with students. The institutions was one of the driving forces behind establishing the International Master’s Program in 2003, then one of the first curatorial study programs in Scandinavia. Over the course of the following decades, students have gathered hands-on experience, learning on site about handling, caring for, and thinking about works of art from new perspectives. The museum’s direct involvement in the program has not only led to a significant number of staff at Magasin III to hail from the Curating Art studies, but importantly purported to bringing up an entire generation of curators in Sweden.

Between the years 2020–2024, Magasin III’s program activities and collaborations with artistic colleges, universities and preparatory art schools were intensified. The purpose was to create a dialogue with young people and to make art and the institution accessible in new ways. Each collaboration was shaped in close dialogue with the responsible teacher/professor as a complement to the existing education plan.

During this time, Magasin III understood itself as a site of learning, not of teaching, where a culture of practice took precedence over any formal education. Becoming a museum along the way, thereby increasing its remit in terms of sharing and making available the knowledge of, from and around its works of art and the artistic practices from within the collection, put further emphasis on opening up the institution. Sharing artistic values with a next generation at Magasin III consisted, more than anything else, in providing opportunities and circumstances, settings, encounters and resources, for learning through experiences to happen. The results of informal learnings were open-ended, often unexpected, and always worth the risk.