Turning Time
Janine Antoni, Idun Baltzersen, John Bock, Cosima von Bonin, Kendell Geers, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Charlotte Gyllenhammar, Joakim Ojanen, Gabriel Orozco, Tal R, Lara Schnitger, Fredrik Söderberg, Danh Vo, Rémy Zaugg
Höst 2018–höst 2019
Curatorer: Bronwyn Griffith och Tessa Praun
Konstverk i presentationen
Janine AntoniInhabit2009Rémy ZauggMEN JAG / VÄRLDEN / JAG SER DIG1994–96Magasin III ProduktionRémy ZauggAND IF / THE WORLD / AS I START TO SPEAK / WOULD NOT / EXIST ANYMORE1996Magasin III ProduktionLara SchnitgerXXL2005Magasin III ProduktionCosima von BoninDeprionen, A Voyage to the Sea2006Janine AntoniMoor2001–2018Magasin III ProduktionGabriel OrozcoBlack Kites Perspective (back right 1)1997–2008Gabriel OrozcoBlack Kites Perspective (back left)1997–2008Gabriel OrozcoBlack Kites Perspective (back)1997–2008Gabriel OrozcoBlack Kites Perspective (back right 2)1997–2008
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Gabriel OrozcoBlack Kites Perspective (top)1997–2008Gabriel OrozcoBlack Kites Perspective (left)1997–2008Gabriel OrozcoBlack Kites Perspective (right)1997–2008Gabriel OrozcoBlack Kites Perspective (front horizontal)1997–2008Gabriel OrozcoBlack Kites Perspective (front vertical)1997–2008Dominique Gonzalez-FoersterCalder Red (Painting)2012Charlotte GyllenhammarBetraktaren2003John BockGroßer Schwachomat2000Idun BaltzersenBlå timmen2018Danh VoWe The People (detail) Element #K82011-2016Fredrik SöderbergTreat the Gods as if They Exist2010Fredrik SöderbergDas Haus des C. G. Jungs mit Mandala / Der Traum I2012Joakim OjanenOver there! I see a small light, could be the future… or is it the past?2018