Below we have collected interviews, artist talks, podcasts and other material related to our program items. This is in the form of audio files, video recordings and texts. The material spans from 2006 to the present, and reflects our exhibition program over the years.

Mona Hatoum

On April 28, 2022, Mona Hatoum gave a lecture at Magasin III in conjunction with her solo exhibitions Mona Hatoum – Revisit at Magasin III, and So Much I Want to Say at Accelerator. Since the early 1990s, Mona Hatoum has been regarded as one of the most important artists of our time. Through installation, sculpture, performance, photography, and video, she consistently explores issues of the familiar and the foreign, home and exile, memory and loss. Mona Hatoum lives and works in London, she was born in 1952 to a Palestinian family in Beirut, Lebanon.

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Video: Sirous Namazi – Pending | Part 3 Video: Sirous Namazi – Pending | Part 2
Video: Sirous Namazi – Pending | Part 1
Performance: Lucia Pizzani
Lecture: Jill Magid
Video: Mona Hatoum – Revisit | Part 6
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Video: Mona Hatoum – Revisit | Part 5 Video: Mona Hatoum – Revisit | Part 4
Video: Mona Hatoum – Revisit | Part 3
Video: Mona Hatoum – Revisit | Part 2
Video: Mona Hatoum – Revisit | Part 1 Lecture: Mona Hatoum
Lecture: Peter Godfrey-Smith with Lundahl & Seitl and Untold Garden Artist talk: Tal R
Artist talk: Gunnel Wåhlstrand
Video: Gunnel Wåhlstrand | Part 3
Video: Gunnel Wåhlstrand | Part 2 Video: Gunnel Wåhlstrand | Part 1 (English subtitles)
Video: Gunnel Wåhlstrand | Part 1 Video: Tony Oursler | Part 8
Video: Tony Oursler – The Influence Machine
Video: Tony Oursler | Part 7
Video: Tony Oursler | Part 6 Video: Tony Oursler | Part 5
Video: Tony Oursler | Part 4
Video: Tony Oursler | Part 3
Video: Tony Oursler | Part 2
Video: Tony Oursler | Part 1
Performance: Markus Schinwald – Stage Complex Video: Markus Schinwald – Stage Complex
Conversation: Markus Schinwald | Part 4 Conversation: Markus Schinwald | Part 3
Conversation: Markus Schinwald | Part 2
Conversation: Markus Schinwald | Part 1
Video: Barry X Ball visits Magasin III
Video: Katharina Grosse in Magasin 6
Conversation: Katharina Grosse at Nybroplan Conversation: Sofia Hultén
Conversation: Siobhán Hapaska | Part 6
Conversation: Siobhán Hapaska | Part 5
Conversation: Siobhán Hapaska | Part 4 Conversation: Siobhán Hapaska | Part 3
Conversation: Siobhán Hapaska | Part 2 Conversation: Siobhán Hapaska | Part 1
Conversation: Charles Long | Part 3
Conversation: Charles Long | Part 2
Conversation: Charles Long | Part 1 Video: Mika Rottenberg – Flying Ponytail Matchbox
Video: Mika Rottenberg – Sneeze to Squeeze Video: Something Turned Into a Thing and Chris Burden
Video: Anton Henning – Too Much Skin, Taste & Turpentine
Panel discussion: Preconditions for contemporary art in China
Panel discussion: Authoritarian regimes and the arts in Europe over the past 50 years Panel discussion: Freedom of speech, democracy, human rights – China in relation to the rest of the world
Panel discussion: The power of microblogs – What is the significance of Ai Weiwei and other net activists for freedom of speech in China?
Conversation: Ai Weiwei’s artistry
Conversation: Ai Weiwei talks with curator Tessa Praun
Video: Marijke van Warmerdam
Video: Museum Magasin 3 Video: Andrea Zittel – Lay of My Land
Video: Andrea Zittel – A-Z West Video: Björn Säfsten – Corduroy de-constructed
Video: Investigations of a Dog
Video: Erik Aalto – Antidote
Video: Investigations of a Dog in Paris, fall 2010
Video: Thrice upon a time | Part 2
Video: Thrice upon a time | Part 1 Video: Investigations of a Dog in Cascais, spring 2010
Video: Tom Friedman – Up in the Air
Video: Maria Nepomuceno – Always in a Spiral


Lecture: Mona Hatoum Artist talk: Tal R
Artist talk: Gunnel Wåhlstrand
Artist talk: Tony Oursler
Panel discussion: An Evening About Anxiety
Artist talk: Jake Chapman
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Audio guide: The Nature of Particles Panel discussion: From Chaos to Insight – On Collections
Panel discussion: Ernst Josephson
Audio guide: The Drawing Room
Sound catalogue: On the Tip of My Tongue | Chapter 5 Panel discussion: Why Art at Handels?
Magasin 3 ArtPod #9 Sound catalogue: On the Tip of My Tongue | Chapter 4
Sound catalogue: On the Tip of My Tongue | Chapter 3
Sound catalogue: On the Tip of My Tongue | Chapter 2
Sound catalogue: On the Tip of My Tongue | Chapter 1 Magasin 3 ArtPod #8
Magasin 3 ArtPod #7 Conversation: Gabriela Pichler
Magasin 3 ArtPod #6
Lecture: Roy Brand
Artist talk: Chris Burden Magasin 3 ArtPod #5
Magasin 3 ArtPod #4
Artist talk: Mika Rottenberg
Magasin 3 ArtPod #3
Magasin 3 ArtPod #2
Magasin 3 ArtPod #1 Panel discussion: Kristina Jansson, Fredrik Söderberg, and Richard Julin
Lecture: Olle Granath on Francis Picabia Audio guide: Something Turned Into a Thing
Artist talk: Anton Henning
Lecture: John C. Welchman on Cosima von Bonin
Panel discussion: Curating Stories
Lecture: Marijke van Warmerdam
Audio guide: Museum Magasin 3 | Part 2 Audio guide: Museum Magasin 3 | Part 1
Lecture: Andrea Zittel
Artist talk: Björn Säfsten
Lecture: Hans Blomqvist on Franz Kafka Lecture: Jerzy J. Kierkuć-Bieliński on Sir John Soane
Artist talk: Carl Hammoud and Maria Hedlund | Lecture: Wouter Davidts about the studio Lecture: Sabeth Buchmann on Sol LeWitt
Artist talk: Tom Friedman
Audio guide: Sol LeWitt – Seven Wall Drawings
Artist talk: Tal R Lecture: Anne Karpf on Smadar Dreyfus
Lecture: Johan Grimonprez | Part 2 Lecture: Johan Grimonprez | Part 1
Lecture: Daniel McClean about the relationship between art and law
Lecture: Stellan Vinthagen about creativity as resistance
Conversation: Lisa Rosendahl and Elisabeth Millqvist on Santiago Sierra Performance: Lee Ranaldo och Leah Singer | Part 2
Performance: Lee Ranaldo och Leah Singer | Part 1
Conversation: On soccer and art
Artist talk: Jonathan Monk
Lecture: Sue Breakell about archives
Lecture: Cecilia Linde about the heart Artist talk: Sofia Hultén
Artist talk: Christian Boltanski Lecture: Fredrik Söderberg
Lecture: Richard Julin on immaterial art
Artist talk: Tino Sehgal
Lecture: Cecilia Sjöholm on Annika von Hausswolff
Audio guide: Annika von Hausswolff
Lecture: Leif Wigh on photography Performance: Kallioinia
Artist talk: To be continued…
Conversation: Charles Esche, David Neuman, and Maria Lind about collecting | Part 1
Conversation: Charles Esche, David Neuman, and Maria Lind about collecting | Part 2 Artist talk: Pipilotti Rist
Audio guide: To be continued… Audio guide: Fleeing away from what bothers you most
Audio guide: Gunnel Wåhlstrand
Audio guide: Fabrice Gygi