I betraktarens öga Lotta Antonsson, Maya Attoun, Eitan Ben Moshe, Christian Boltanski, Adam Broomberg, John Coplans, Rineke Dijkstra, Tom Friedman, Annika Elisabeth von Hausswolff, Kyung-Me, Santiago Sierra, Miroslav Tichý, Danh Vo, Philip-Lorca diCorcia 18.11.2022 - 18.06.2023 أمانة المعرض: Olga Krzeszowiec Malmsten المعرضنبذة عن الفنانيناعلام Miroslav TichýMore about the artistDanh VoMore about the artistAnnika Elisabeth von HausswolffMore about the artistChristian BoltanskiMore about the artistEitan Ben MosheMore about the artistJohn CoplansMore about the artistPhilip-Lorca diCorciaMore about the artistTom FriedmanMore about the artistSantiago SierraMore about the artistMaya AttounMore about the artistRineke DijkstraMore about the artistKyung-MeMore about the artistAdam BroombergMore about the artistLotta AntonssonMore about the artist