Conversation: Ai Weiwei’s artistry

Ai Weiwei’s art is almost always based in cultural references, and he intentionally selects iconic objects with great cultural and symbolic value for the Chinese. In his work he combines the roles of artist, blogger and political acitvist.

As an introduction to Ai Weiwei’s artistry, Tessa Praun, curator at Magasin 3 for the Ai Weiwei exhibition, and Ulrich Wilmes, chief curator at Haus der Kunst, Munich, discuss works presented in the exhibition So Sorry at Haus der Kunst in 2009 and examine his visual expression, methodology and motivation.

Participants: Tessa Praun, curator Magasin 3, and Ulrich Wilmes, chief curator Haus der Kunst
Language: English
Date: February 21, 2012
Duration: 81 mins
Location: Bio Rio, Stockholm
Exhibition: Ai Weiwei
