As part of the exhibition On the Tip of My Tongue, a sound catalog in five chapters is presented. The sound catalog contains recorded material about the participating artists and the ideas informing the exhibition as a whole.
Chapter 3: Miranda July and Sheila Heti
LA based filmmaker, artist and writer Miranda July talks with Canadian writer Sheila Heti about the making of We Think Alone. Speaking from the perspectives both of creator (July) and participant (Heti), the conversation centres around the challenges involved in publicizing personal information, the role of the audience, and on the question of how email can become art.
We Think Alone is an artwork by Miranda July commissioned by Magasin 3 for the exhibition On the Tip of My Tongue. It consists of a compendium of 20 emails originating from the sent-items folders of participants Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Lena Dunham, Kirsten Dunst, Sheila Heti, Etgar Keret, Kate and Laura Mulleavy, Catherine Opie, Lee Smolin, and Danh Vo. Sent out once a week between July 1st and November 11th, 2013, it exists only in the inboxes of those who signed up to receive it.
Participants: Miranda July, artist and writer, Sheila Heti, writer, Tessa Praun, Curator Magasin 3, and Richard Julin, Chief Curator Magasin 3
Language: English
Date: October 2013
Duration: 34 mins
Exhibition: On the Tip of My Tongue