Magasin 3 at SSE seminar: World trade in the post-colonial era
Since Spring 2013, Magasin 3 Stockholm Konsthall exhibits central video-based artworks at Stockholm School of Economics. The initiative revolves around the experimental spirit that these works represent, and a number of the art works shown have opened up questions of representation, colonialism, and international trade. This open seminar dwells into these questions and asks the overarching question of what post-colonialism can teach us about human experience and economic activity in today’s globalised society.
“Introduction”, Lars Strannegård and Nina Øverli
“World trade and the colonies”, Örjan Sjöberg
“Post colonialism and representativity”, Moa Matthis
“Discussion and concluding reflections”, Lin Lerpold
Lars Strannegård is Professor and Vice President of Stockholm School of Economics, Nina Øverli is Assistant Curator at Magasin 3 Stockholm Konsthall, Örjan Sjöberg is Professor of Economic Geography at Stockholm School of Economics, Moa Matthis is literary critic and author, and Lin Lerpold is Dean MBA Level and Associate Professor specialized in business and responsibility at Stockholm School of Economics.
Time: January 23, 16.00-17.30
Location: Stockholm School of Economics, Sveavägen 65
After the seminar refreshments will be served.
Kimsooja’s work Bottari Alfa Beach 2001 is shown in Atrium of Stockholm School of Economics