Evening program, The Heart and Archives
6pm: A heart-specialist’s view on heartbeats
by Cecilia Linde, professor and senior physician at ‘Hjärtkliniken’ Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset, talks about our physiological and cultural knowledge of the heart in relation to her expert experiences.
7 pm: Something of our own selves: talking archives
by Sue Breakell, archivist, Tate, London
Taking as its starting point Boltanski’s use of archival forms and practices, this talk will offer an archivist’s perspective on the nature and meaning of archives in contemporary culture. It will consider the generative possibilities of the use of archives in art practice, and the particular ways in which such traces speak to the individual experience of the viewer through a kind of “microhistory”.
Café, bar and mingling. Free entrance.
The exhibition is open 5pm – 9pm, welcome to donate your heartbeat before the lectures start.