Magasin III Jaffa Bookstore event

Meet the Artist – Nurit Gur Lavy Karni

Date: From Friday June 2, 2023 at 11
Location: Olei Zion 17, Tel Aviv-Yaffo

Magasin III Jaffa Books series of meetings with artists will host the artist Nurit Gur Lavy Karni to launch her artist book Flora Palaestina II: Inventories and Scrolls.

The book presents the work of Gur Lavy Karni from the last few years, painting the flora of the country. Focusing on “inventory” paintings, that is, paintings in which there is not just one flower (like an entry in a botany book), but a cluster of flowers that were collected from certain places and testify to that place. In addition, it presents “scroll” paintings – a group of huge paintings, about 11 meters each, that absorb the artist’s stream of consciousness while working in the studio.