Meet the Artist – Alejandra Okret
Magasin III Jaffa Books series of meetings with artists will host the artist Alejandra Okret to launch her new artist book “Illuminaries-Cats”, part of a series of artist books titled “Illuminaries”, which Okret started in 2021. The series is comprised of one of a kind handmade artist books, however Okret created a special printed version for the launch at Magasin III Jaffa Books.
Okret’s series of artist books, Illuminaries, is a continuation of a series of works called Trisim or The White Line. In 2020, during the world pandemic, in a time of fear and uncertainty, Okret wished to bring light into the world. The book is drawn only with the white color (ink, acrylic and pigment) on tracing paper, in a wish to brighten a dark time. The story develops without words, so the viewers can tell their own story. Each book has its own box, making it a precious object that can be taken out to contemplate in a special moment.