Artworks in the collection
Matts LeiderstamGrand Tour1997–2005Magasin III Production
Matts LeiderstamGrand Tour (first version)1997–98Magasin III Production
Matts Leiderstam390468 (Unknown Unknown)2013
Matts LeiderstamAhmed1994
Matts LeiderstamChuck1994
Matts LeiderstamClaude1994
Matts LeiderstamDick1995
Matts LeiderstamDietrich1995
Matts LeiderstamDoug1995
Matts LeiderstamHeraklesklubba1994
Matts LeiderstamPierre1995
Matts LeiderstamReturned, Frescati, Stockholm1997
Matts LeiderstamReturned, Hampstead Heath, London1997
Matts LeiderstamReturned, Parc Mont Royal, Montréal1997
Matts LeiderstamReturned, Park K. Marcinkowskiego, Poznań1997
Matts LeiderstamReturned, The Rambles, Central Park, New York1997
Matts LeiderstamSarkofag1994
Matts LeiderstamSteve
Matts LeiderstamThe Eruption of Vesuvius2000
Matts LeiderstamUU 745 (Unknown Unknown)2013
Exhibitions at Magasin III